Saturday, June 6, 2009

A Little Housekeeping

Given that Michael Duffy has tended to go missing in action from the pages of The Sydney Morning Herald of late - come back Duffster all is forgiven - the title of this site is now a tad misleading and deceptive.

People have tended to blame Mr. Duffy for its musings, when in fact he is entirely innocent, and fortunately can still be heard on Radio National over the ether and via the intertubes. So we've adopted the title Loon Pond, as a sign of our deep affection everywhere for all loons. As a site devised and run by loons in honor of loonacy, we think it only fair to dub it Loon Pond, while still retaining the original name in the sub-header as a token of our esteem for Mr. Duffy, who to be fair is a model of sanity compared to the extremes of loonacy to be found in the world.

It was Mr. Duffy's musings that originally inspired us to open the window and rant at the world, but the squawkings we salute these days come from many corners. While we've adjusted the banner a little, rest assured the siren song of the loon will always be cherished and celebrated here ...

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